We all get in our own way from time to time!
Last weekend my computer was not cooperating. I also was trying to edit my video and export it and it was not working. I was frustrated and cranky – I wanted to toss my computer out the window!!!
Sixteen months ago this would have stopped me in my tracks!!!
I have learned that the brain likes to keep us in a Safe Zone and it sees our goals at scary!! We are conditioned to think we will never achieve our goals! No wonder most of my New Year’s Resolutions over the years have failed!!
So what do we do? We work on INNER work! But how?
The first way is to be a leader in your field. Figure out what your purpose and passion is and work towards that. On days when life gets you down, remember WHY you are doing what you are doing!
The second way is to Visualize your success. Put photos that represent your future success where you can see them. How will you feel when you meet your goal? How will you celebrate?
The third way is to surround yourself with like minded people. If you need to find business buddies, check out how in this VIDEO.
If you want more information on doing the Inner Work, check out my video HERE.